Naruto Shippuden is a Japanese anime series that follows the adolescent ninja Naruto Uzumaki as he strives to become the strongest ninja in the world. The series has been airing since 2007 and is one of the most popular anime of all time. With over 500 episodes and several movies, the series is divided into several arcs that tell the story of Naruto's journey. In this article, we'll explore all of the arcs in the Naruto Shippuden series.
Land of Waves Arc
The Land of Waves Arc marks the beginning of Naruto Shippuden. In this arc, Naruto is tasked with protecting the bridge builder Tazuna and his family from the criminal gang Gato. During this time, he also encounters Sasuke Uchiha, his rival, who has been kidnapped by Orochimaru. Naruto and Sasuke team up to take on the gang, and eventually Naruto defeats Gato with the help of his teacher, Kakashi.
Chunin Exams Arc
The Chunin Exams Arc follows the Land of Waves Arc and is the longest arc in the series. In this arc, Naruto and his team take part in the Chunin Exams, an exam that allows ninja to become promoted to a higher rank. During the exams, Naruto meets Gaara, the jinchuriki of the one-tailed beast, and the two become rivals. Naruto eventually passes the exam and earns his promotion.
Sasuke Retrieval Arc
The Sasuke Retrieval Arc follows the Chunin Exams Arc and focuses on Naruto's mission to retrieve Sasuke from Orochimaru. Naruto and his team travel to the Land of Sound to find Sasuke and rescue him from Orochimaru. During their mission, they are faced with several obstacles, including the Sound Four, a powerful group of ninjas loyal to Orochimaru. After a long and difficult battle, Naruto and his team are successful in their mission and Sasuke is returned to Konoha.
Kazekage Rescue Arc
The Kazekage Rescue Arc follows the Sasuke Retrieval Arc and focuses on Naruto's mission to rescue Gaara from the Akatsuki. The Akatsuki, a criminal organization made up of powerful ninjas, is trying to capture all of the jinchurikis, which includes Gaara. Naruto and his team travel to the Land of Wind to rescue Gaara and are faced with several obstacles, including the Akatsuki leader, Pain. After a long and difficult battle, Naruto and his team are successful in their mission and Gaara is rescued.
Five Kage Summit Arc
The Five Kage Summit Arc follows the Kazekage Rescue Arc and focuses on Naruto's mission to protect the Five Kage Summit. The summit is a meeting of the five Kage, the highest-ranking ninja in each of the five great ninja countries. Naruto and his team are tasked with protecting the summit from the Akatsuki, who are planning to disrupt the meeting. After a long and difficult battle, Naruto and his team are successful in their mission and the summit is protected.
Fourth Shinobi World War Arc
The Fourth Shinobi World War Arc follows the Five Kage Summit Arc and focuses on Naruto's mission to protect the world from the revived Akatsuki. The Akatsuki has resurrected Madara Uchiha, and he plans to use the power of the Ten Tails to take over the world. Naruto and his team join forces with the other nations to take on the Akatsuki, and after a long and difficult battle, they are successful in their mission and the world is saved.
Kaguya Otsutsuki Strikes Arc
The Kaguya Otsutsuki Strikes Arc follows the Fourth Shinobi World War Arc and focuses on Naruto's mission to protect the world from the ancient goddess Kaguya. Kaguya is an ancient deity who plans to use her power to take over the world. Naruto and his team join forces with the other nations to take on Kaguya, and after a long and difficult battle, they are successful in their mission and Kaguya is defeated.
Naruto Shippuden is an incredibly popular anime series that has been airing since 2007. The series is divided into several arcs that tell the story of Naruto's journey. In this article, we have explored all of the arcs in the Naruto Shippuden series, from the Land of Waves Arc to the Kaguya Otsutsuki Strikes Arc. We hope that this guide has been helpful in giving you an overview of Naruto Shippuden's arcs.