The popular manga and anime series 'Naruto' has been around since 1999. The series follows the adventures of a young ninja, Uzumaki Naruto, as he embarks on a quest to become the strongest ninja in the world. The show has been around for almost 24 years and many fans have been wondering how old Naruto is in 2023.
Naruto was born in October of 990 A.D., making him 33 years old in 2023. In the manga, Naruto's age is listed as "12 years old" in the very first chapter, giving us a timeline for his age. In the anime, Naruto's age is listed as "15 years old" during the first episodes, however this was later changed to "12 years old" in order to more closely match the manga's timeline.
In the manga, Naruto is seen growing up throughout the series, with his age advancing as the story progresses. He is seen to be 12 years old at the start of the story, 15 years old during the Chunin exams arc, 16 years old during the invasion of Konoha arc, and 18 years old by the time the Fourth Shinobi World War starts. This means that Naruto is 33 years old in the year 2023.
In the anime, Naruto's age is seen to advance at a slightly slower rate. He is still 12 years old at the start of the series, but is then seen to be 14 years old during the Chunin exams arc, 16 years old during the invasion of Konoha arc, and 18 years old by the time the Fourth Shinobi World War starts. This means that Naruto is 32 years old in the year 2023.
How Has Naruto Changed Over the Years?
Naruto has grown a lot since his introduction in the manga and anime. He was initially quite naive and immature, but as he's grown older he's become more mature and serious. He's also become more powerful, with his skills and strength increasing as he's trained and gone on more adventures.
Naruto has also developed a lot more confidence in himself and his abilities. He's now willing to stand up for what he believes in and he's no longer afraid to face powerful opponents. He's also become wiser and more understanding, and is able to see things from different perspectives.
In addition to this, Naruto has also become a lot more responsible and reliable, taking on a lot of responsibility for himself and for the village of Konoha. He's also become a lot more caring and compassionate, understanding the feelings of others and always willing to help those in need.
What Does the Future Hold for Naruto?
It's hard to say what the future holds for Naruto, as the manga and anime series is still ongoing. However, it's likely that Naruto will continue to grow and develop as a character, and will become even more powerful and capable than he is now.
He may even become the Hokage of Konoha, the title given to the strongest and most capable ninja in the village. This would mean that Naruto would be the leader of Konoha and responsible for the safety and prosperity of the village. However, this is still just speculation and only time will tell what the future holds for Naruto.
Naruto is 33 years old in the year 2023, having grown up a lot since his introduction in 1999. He's become much more capable and powerful, as well as more confident and responsible. It's impossible to say what the future holds for Naruto, but it's likely that he will continue to grow and develop as a character.