Naruto Shippuden is the sequel to the original Naruto series, and it has been running since 2007. It follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who is determined to become the strongest ninja in the world. Naruto has grown up a lot since the original series, and fans everywhere have been wondering how old he is in Naruto Shippuden. In this article, we will explore the answer to this question, as well as some of the other questions that fans have about Naruto's age.
Naruto's Age in the Original Series
In the original Naruto series, Naruto was twelve years old at the beginning of the series. He was born on October 10th, and his birthday was celebrated in the episode "The Land Where a Hero Once Lived". By the end of the series, Naruto was fifteen years old. During this time, he learned a lot about being a ninja, and his skills improved significantly.
Naruto's Age in Naruto Shippuden
At the beginning of Naruto Shippuden, Naruto was sixteen years old. He had become a genin, the lowest rank of ninja, and was beginning to take on more responsibility as a ninja. During the course of the series, Naruto would grow up to be seventeen and eighteen years old. By the end of the series, Naruto was nineteen years old.
Naruto's Age in the Boruto Series
The Boruto series is a continuation of the Naruto series, and it follows the adventures of Naruto's son Boruto. At the beginning of the series, Naruto was twenty years old. Throughout the series, Naruto would be seen as a father figure to Boruto, teaching him about being a ninja and helping him to understand the importance of hard work and dedication. By the end of the series, Naruto was twenty-one years old.
Naruto's Age in The Last: Naruto the Movie
The Last: Naruto the Movie is a feature-length film that was released in 2014. In the film, Naruto is twenty-three years old. He is now the leader of a team of ninja, and is trying to protect his village from a powerful enemy. The movie gives us a glimpse into Naruto's adulthood and shows us the challenges he faces as a leader.
Naruto's Age in the Boruto Movie
The Boruto movie was released in 2015, and it follows the adventures of Naruto and Boruto. In the movie, Naruto is twenty-four years old. He is now the Hokage, the leader of the village of Konoha, and he is trying to protect the village from a powerful enemy. The movie shows us a different side of Naruto as a father and leader.
Naruto's Age in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a sequel to the original Naruto series, and it follows the adventures of Boruto. At the beginning of the series, Naruto is twenty-five years old. He is now the Hokage and is trying to protect the village from a powerful enemy. Throughout the series, Naruto will continue to grow and mature as a father and leader.
In conclusion, Naruto's age in Naruto Shippuden is sixteen years old at the beginning of the series, and nineteen years old by the end of the series. He is twenty-three years old in The Last: Naruto the Movie, twenty-four years old in the Boruto movie, and twenty-five years old in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. Naruto has grown up a lot since the original series, and his age is an important part of his character.