The popular anime series, Naruto, is one of the most beloved franchises in the world. It has been around for nearly two decades and has spawned multiple video games across a variety of platforms, including the PlayStation 4. For fans of the show, the games provide a unique opportunity to explore the world of Naruto in a way that is even more immersive than the anime and manga.
Top 5 Naruto Games on PS4
For those looking to explore the world of Naruto on their PS4, there are a variety of great games to choose from. Here is a list of the top five Naruto games on PS4:
1. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
This game is the latest installment in the long-running Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja series. The game features a variety of characters from the show and a wide range of battle modes, including story mode and online multiplayer. The game also features improved graphics and a new “Ninja World Tournament” mode, which allows players to compete against one another in fast-paced battles.
2. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution
This game is a spin-off of the aforementioned Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. The game features new characters, as well as a new “Ninja World Tournament” mode and improved graphics. The game also includes a variety of missions, as well as a story mode and online battles.
3. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy
This game is a compilation of the first three games in the Ultimate Ninja Storm series. The game includes all of the characters, missions, and game modes from the first three games, as well as improved graphics and a new “Ninja World Tournament” mode.
4. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst
This game is an upgraded version of the third game in the Ultimate Ninja Storm series. The game includes improved graphics, a new “Ninja World Tournament” mode, as well as new characters and missions.
5. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
This is the first game in the Ultimate Ninja Storm series. The game includes a variety of characters from the show, as well as a story mode, online battles, and a variety of missions.
The Best way to Enjoy Naruto on PS4
For those looking to experience the world of Naruto on the PS4, there are a variety of great games to choose from. However, the best way to enjoy the Naruto experience on PS4 is to play the Ultimate Ninja Storm trilogy. This compilation includes all of the content from the first three games, as well as improved graphics and the new “Ninja World Tournament” mode.
For fans of the Naruto franchise, there are a variety of great games to experience on the PS4. Whether you’re looking for a single-player experience or an online battle, there is sure to be a game that fits your needs. From the Ultimate Ninja Storm trilogy to the more recent Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and explore the exciting world of Naruto on the PS4!