The Naruto Shippuden anime series is one of the most popular and longest-running anime series of all time. It follows the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the Hokage, the strongest ninja in his village. The series is divided into two parts: the first part being the original Naruto series and the second part being Naruto Shippuden. Naruto Shippuden is the sequel to the original series and follows Naruto’s journey as he grows into a powerful ninja. The series has over 500 episodes, and many of those episodes are considered filler episodes. In this article, we will be discussing the Naruto Shippuden filler list, what filler episodes are, and why filler episodes are important.
What are Filler Episodes?
Filler episodes are episodes in a series that do not advance the plot or contribute to the main storyline. They are usually used to give the characters a break from the main storyline and give the writers and animators time to come up with new ideas. Filler episodes are often seen as a way to pad out a series and make it last longer, but they can also be used to add character development or explore side stories that are not part of the main plot.
Filler episodes are usually not considered canon, which means they are not considered part of the official story. However, some filler episodes can be considered canon if they are referenced in later episodes or if they contain important plot points that are referenced in later episodes.
Why are Filler Episodes Important?
Filler episodes can be important for a number of reasons. They can give characters a break from the main plot and allow them to explore side stories or develop relationships with other characters. They can also be used to explore themes or ideas that are not part of the main plot.
Filler episodes can also be important for world-building. They can give the audience a better understanding of the world and its characters, as well as provide insight into the culture and history of the world.
Naruto Shippuden Filler List
The Naruto Shippuden anime series has a total of 500 episodes, of which 220 are considered filler episodes. These filler episodes can be divided into two types: canon filler episodes and non-canon filler episodes. Canon filler episodes are those that are referenced in later episodes or contain important plot points that are referenced in later episodes, while non-canon filler episodes are those that are not referenced in later episodes and do not contain important plot points.
The following is a list of the canon and non-canon filler episodes in the Naruto Shippuden anime series:
Canon Filler Episodes:
- Episode 135: The Two Students
- Episode 166: The Secret of the Transportation Technique
- Episode 197: The Search Mission
- Episode 220: Kaguya Otsutsuki
- Episode 243: The Labyrinth of Distorted Reflection
- Episode 279: The Parent and Child
- Episode 294: The Successor
- Episode 320: The Reanimated Allied Forces
- Episode 343: War Begins!
- Episode 367: The End
Non-Canon Filler Episodes:
- Episode 48: The Cursed Puppet
- Episode 78: The Power of Youth Explodes
- Episode 97: The Forbidden Visual Jutsu
- Episode 111: The Successor's Wish
- Episode 128: The Bewildering Forest
- Episode 153: The Unison Sign
- Episode 180: The Unbreakable Mask and the Shattered Bubble
- Episode 206: The Closed Door
- Episode 230: The Forbidden Jutsu Released
- Episode 256: The First Challenge
These are the canon and non-canon filler episodes in the Naruto Shippuden anime series. While some of the filler episodes can be considered canon, they are usually not considered canon and are usually used to give the characters a break from the main storyline or to explore side stories.
The Naruto Shippuden anime series is one of the most popular and longest-running anime series of all time. It has over 500 episodes, and many of those episodes are considered filler episodes. In this article, we discussed the Naruto Shippuden filler list, what filler episodes are, and why filler episodes are important. We also listed the canon and non-canon filler episodes in the series.
Filler episodes can be an important part of a series, as they can give characters a break from the main plot and allow them to explore side stories or develop relationships with other characters. They can also be used to explore themes or ideas that are not part of the main plot. While some of the filler episodes can be considered canon, they are usually not considered canon and are usually used to give the characters a break from the main storyline or to explore side stories.