Naruto Shippuden is an iconic Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name. It follows the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the Hokage, the ninja leader of his village. The series has been airing since 2007, and has become a worldwide phenomenon. With so many episodes, it can be hard to know which ones are worth watching and which ones are filler. That's why we've put together this ultimate guide on Naruto Shippuden filler to skip. Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of all the filler episodes, as well as advice on how to make sure you don't waste your time watching them.
What is Filler?
Filler is a term used to describe episodes of an anime that were not part of the original source material. It is usually used to describe episodes that are added to a series in order to fill in gaps between major arcs, or simply to make the series longer. It can also refer to episodes that are based on original stories, but are not considered essential to the overall plot of the series.
Filler episodes can be dull and uninteresting, and can often drag down the quality of a series. As such, many fans prefer to just skip them altogether. While this is a perfectly valid way to watch a series, it can be tricky to figure out which episodes are filler. That's why we've put together this guide – to help you identify which episodes are worth watching, and which ones you can safely skip.
Naruto Shippuden Filler to Skip
Here is a list of all the Naruto Shippuden filler episodes, in order of their release date. If you don't want to watch any of the filler episodes, you can just skip ahead to the episode number specified here.
Episode 11: Skip to episode 14
Episode 20: Skip to episode 24
Episode 29: Skip to episode 33
Episode 35: Skip to episode 37
Episode 43: Skip to episode 46
Episode 49: Skip to episode 53
Episode 59: Skip to episode 63
Episode 65: Skip to episode 67
Episode 69: Skip to episode 72
Episode 74: Skip to episode 76
Episode 82: Skip to episode 85
Episode 88: Skip to episode 89
Episode 92: Skip to episode 95
Episode 100: Skip to episode 103
Episode 108: Skip to episode 111
Episode 119: Skip to episode 121
Episode 127: Skip to episode 128
Episode 131: Skip to episode 134
Episode 143: Skip to episode 144
Alternative Ways to Watch Naruto Shippuden
If you don't want to skip the filler episodes, there are other ways to watch Naruto Shippuden without having to watch them. Some fans prefer to watch the series in chronological order, which means that they watch the episodes in the order in which they took place in the manga. This ensures that you won't miss out on any important plot points.
Another way to watch the series is to watch it in the order of its release. This means that you will be watching the episodes as they were broadcast on television. This can be a fun way to watch the series, as it allows you to experience the series as it was intended to be seen.
Naruto Shippuden is an iconic anime series that has captured the hearts of fans around the world. With so many episodes, it can be hard to know which ones are filler and which ones are important to the overall story. We hope that this guide has helped you figure out which episodes are worth watching and which ones you can safely skip. Happy watching!