Naruto Shippuden is one of the most popular anime series in the world. It follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks to become the Hokage, the strongest ninja in his village. The series has been running since 2007 and has captivated millions of fans all over the world, both young and old. If you’re new to the series, or want to get caught up on the latest episodes, here’s a guide to help you get started.
Where To Watch Naruto Shippuden?
The easiest way to watch Naruto Shippuden is to stream it online. Hulu and Crunchyroll both offer streaming options for the series, and also offer a variety of other anime titles. Netflix also has a selection of Naruto Shippuden episodes available for streaming, though it’s not as up to date as the other services. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive selection, you can purchase the entire series on DVD or Blu-Ray.
How To Watch Naruto Shippuden?
The best way to watch Naruto Shippuden is to start with the series’ first episode and work your way through. The series is divided into two parts – the first part is known as the “Original Series” and the second part is known as the “Shippuden” series. The original series consists of 220 episodes and the Shippuden series consists of 500 episodes. It’s recommended that you watch the series in its original Japanese language, as the English dubs can often be inaccurate or missing important plot points.
What Is the Story of Naruto Shippuden?
The story of Naruto Shippuden follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village. Naruto is determined to become the strongest ninja in his village, and he sets out on his quest to do so. Along the way, he meets a variety of interesting characters and faces off against powerful enemies. The story follows Naruto as he matures and grows as a ninja, and eventually becomes the Hokage, the strongest ninja in his village.
Are There Any Movies or Special Episodes?
In addition to the regular series, there are also a handful of movies and special episodes related to the series. The movies usually feature new stories and characters that don’t feature in the regular series. The special episodes are usually recaps of major plot points, or special episodes featuring characters from other series. These are all worth checking out, as they provide extra insight into the world of Naruto Shippuden.
What Are The Best Episodes of Naruto Shippuden?
The best episodes of Naruto Shippuden are a matter of opinion, but some of the most popular episodes include “The Final Valley”, “The Three Tails”, “The Chunin Exam”, “The Fourth Hokage”, and “The Five Kage Summit”. Other popular episodes include “The Search for Tsunade”, “The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant”, “The Search for Itachi”, and “The Tale of the Utterly Purehearted Shinobi”.
What Are The Best Characters in Naruto Shippuden?
The best characters in Naruto Shippuden are a matter of opinion, but some of the most beloved characters include Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake, Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee, Gaara, Shikamaru Nara, and Itachi Uchiha. Other popular characters include Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Pain.
Naruto Shippuden is an incredibly popular anime series, and is well worth watching for fans of action and adventure. Whether you’re just getting into the series or looking to catch up on the latest episodes, this guide should help you get started. With its unique characters, exciting plotlines, and epic battles, it’s no wonder why Naruto Shippuden has become a global phenomenon.