What is Naruto Shippuden?
Naruto Shippuden is an anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. It is the sequel to the original Naruto anime and covers the Naruto manga from volumes 28 through 500. Naruto Shippuden is set two and a half years after the original Naruto anime; which follows the story of a young ninja, Naruto Uzumaki, as he strives to become the strongest ninja and save the world from the darkness of evil. The series has become a worldwide phenomenon and has been translated into numerous languages and has become one of the most popular anime series in the world.
The Right Order to Watch Naruto Shippuden
It is important to watch Naruto Shippuden in the right order to get the full story. The series is divided into two parts; Part I (Seasons 1-12) and Part II (Seasons 13-25). It is recommended to watch the series in chronological order, starting with Part I. The recommended order to watch the series is as follows:
- Part I: Seasons 1-12
- Part II: Seasons 13-25
In addition to the seasons, the series also has a few movies and special episodes which are also important to watch in order to understand the full story. The movies and special episodes are as follows:
- Naruto Shippuden Movie 1: The Lost Tower
- Naruto Shippuden Movie 2: Bonds
- Naruto Shippuden Movie 3: The Will of Fire
- Naruto Shippuden Movie 4: The Lost Tower
- The Special Episodes: Tsunade's Answer, The Fourth Great Ninja War Begins, and The Final Battle.
Important Story Arcs in Naruto Shippuden
There are several important story arcs in Naruto Shippuden which are important to understand the full story. These story arcs are as follows:
- The Search for Tsunade Arc: This arc follows Naruto and his team as they search for Tsunade, who is a legendary ninja.
- The Fourth Great Ninja War Arc: This arc follows Naruto and his allies as they face off against the Akatsuki in a war for the fate of the world.
- The Ten Tailed Beast Arc: This arc follows Naruto as he faces off against the Ten Tailed Beast, a powerful demon.
- The Final Battle Arc: This arc follows Naruto and his allies as they battle against the Akatsuki in a final battle.
In conclusion, it is important to watch Naruto Shippuden in the right order to get the full story. The series is divided into two parts; Part I (Seasons 1-12) and Part II (Seasons 13-25). It is recommended to watch the series in chronological order, starting with Part I. In addition to the seasons, the series also has a few movies and special episodes which are also important to watch in order to understand the full story. Lastly, there are several important story arcs in Naruto Shippuden which are important to understand the full story.