What is Naruto Shippuden?
Naruto Shippuden is an anime series based on the manga written by Masashi Kishimoto. It follows the adventures of the protagonist, Naruto Uzumaki, who is a ninja from Konohagakure and is on a quest to become the Hokage, the leader of the ninja village. The series has been running for over a decade, and there are currently over 500 episodes. It has gained a large fan base in both the anime and manga communities.
What Episodes Should You Skip?
When watching Naruto Shippuden, there are certain episodes that can be skipped without missing anything important in the story. These episodes are usually filler episodes, which are episodes that are not part of the main story arc. They are often used to give the writers more time to come up with the next story arc or to give the anime a break from the main story.
Episode 123 - "The Power of the Five Kage"
This episode is a filler episode that has no relevance to the main story. It focuses on a tournament between the five Kage from the five major villages. It is an entertaining episode but does not add anything to the overall story.
Episode 157 - "The Mysterious Curse of the Haunted Castle"
This episode is another filler episode that does not contribute to the story. It follows the adventures of Naruto and his friends as they explore a mysterious castle. It is a fun episode, but it does not add anything important to the story.
Episode 200 - "The Two Saviors"
This episode focuses on Naruto and Sasuke's battle against the Akatsuki. However, it does not add anything to the story and can be skipped without missing anything important.
Episode 244 - "The Final Battle"
This episode takes place after the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke. It is an entertaining episode, but it does not add anything to the story. It can be skipped without missing anything important.
Episode 275 - "The Promise That Can't Be Kept"
This episode focuses on Naruto and Sasuke's conversation about the future. While it is an emotional episode, it does not add anything to the story and can be skipped without missing anything important.
Episode 313 - "The Five Kage Summit"
This episode follows the five Kage as they discuss the current state of the ninja world. It is an interesting episode, but it does not add anything to the story and can be skipped without missing anything important.
Episode 340 - "The Fourth Hokage’s Death"
This episode focuses on the death of Naruto's father, the Fourth Hokage. While it is an emotional episode, it does not add anything to the story and can be skipped without missing anything important.
Episode 367 - "The Day Naruto Became Hokage"
This episode follows the events leading up to Naruto becoming the Seventh Hokage. While it is an enjoyable episode, it does not add anything to the story and can be skipped without missing anything important.
Naruto Shippuden is an incredibly popular series that has been running for over a decade. While there are many episodes that can be skipped without missing anything important, there are also many episodes that should not be skipped as they are integral to the story. It is up to the viewer to decide which episodes they want to watch and which ones they want to skip.