Naruto Shippūden is a Japanese anime series based on Masashi Kishimoto's manga series of the same name. It was developed by Studio Pierrot and Aniplex, and aired on TV Tokyo from February 15, 2007, to March 23, 2017, for a total of 500 episodes. As the series progressed, it began to introduce more and more filler episodes, which are not based on the original manga. So, if you're a fan of the manga and don't want to waste your time on filler episodes, here's a guide to help you identify which episodes of Naruto Shippūden are filler.
What Are Filler Episodes?
Filler episodes are episodes of an anime series that are not based on the source material. This can include original storylines, completely unrelated to the main plot, or episodes that focus on side characters. Filler episodes are often used to give the manga creators more time to develop the story, or to fill in gaps in the story. In some cases, filler episodes can be entertaining and even add to the overall story. However, in most cases, it is best to avoid filler episodes if you are looking for a faithful adaptation of the source material.
Which Episodes of Naruto Shippūden Are Filler?
There are a total of 220 filler episodes of Naruto Shippūden. These episodes are scattered throughout the series and can be identified by the "Filler" tag that appears at the start of the episode. The filler episodes begin at episode 16 and continue up to episode 322. After episode 322, the series returns to being faithful to the manga and does not include any more filler episodes.
What Is the Best Way to Avoid Filler Episodes?
The best way to avoid filler episodes is to consult a Naruto Shippūden filler list. Filler lists provide detailed information on which episodes are filler and which are not. This way, you can easily skip the filler episodes and watch only the ones that are based on the original manga.
Which Filler Episodes Should You Watch?
Although filler episodes are not based on the original manga, some of them can be quite entertaining. If you have time to spare and want to watch some of the filler episodes, here are some of the best ones: episode 29 (Kakashi's Gaiden), episode 48 (Shikamaru's Battle), episode 71 (Kakashi's Anbu Arc), episode 179 (Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals), and episode 212 (Naruto's Wedding). These filler episodes are generally considered to be the best and most entertaining ones.
Naruto Shippūden is an anime series that has become a classic in the anime world. The series consists of 220 filler episodes, which are not based on the original manga. The best way to avoid filler episodes is to consult a Naruto Shippūden filler list. Some of the best filler episodes are episode 29, episode 48, episode 71, episode 179, and episode 212. These episodes are generally considered to be the most entertaining ones.