It's been over a decade since the popular Japanese manga and anime series Naruto was first released, and its characters have become beloved by fans all over the world. The series follows the lives of a group of ninja and the adventures they go on, but one of the main themes of the show is romance. As the series progressed, many of the characters ended up in relationships and eventually got married. So, who married who in Naruto? Let's take a look!
Naruto and Hinata
Undoubtedly the most popular couple in the series, Naruto and Hinata's relationship has been a fan favorite for years. The two met when they were young and although their relationship was rocky at first, eventually, their love grew and they eventually got married. Their wedding was one of the most emotional moments of the series and was a highlight for many fans.
Shikamaru and Temari
One of the most unlikely couples in the series, Shikamaru and Temari's relationship was a slow burn that eventually grew into a strong bond. Shikamaru was initially uninterested in Temari, but eventually, the two realized that they had more in common than they thought. After a few adventures together, Shikamaru and Temari eventually got married, much to the surprise of fans.
Kiba and Tamaki
Kiba and Tamaki's relationship was a bit of a surprise to fans, as the two had very different personalities. Kiba was a wild and reckless ninja, while Tamaki was a more gentle and compassionate one. Despite their differences, the two eventually fell in love and eventually got married. Their wedding was a happy moment for many fans.
Shino and Kurenai
Another unlikely couple, Shino and Kurenai's relationship was a slow build that eventually resulted in marriage. The two had very different personalities, but they eventually grew closer and eventually married. They had a daughter together, and their relationship was a highlight for many fans.
Rock Lee and Tenten
Rock Lee and Tenten's relationship was one of the funniest in the series, as both of them were very goofy and lighthearted. They had a lot of chemistry and eventually got married. Their wedding was a fun and humorous moment for many fans.
Neji and Hanabi
Neji and Hanabi's relationship was one of the most unique in the series, as Neji was the older brother of Hanabi and was a bit of a loner. Despite their differences, the two eventually fell in love and got married. Their wedding was a heartwarming moment for fans.
Gaara and Matsuri
Gaara and Matsuri's relationship was a bit unexpected, as Gaara was known to be a bit of a loner. However, they eventually fell in love and got married. Their wedding was a highlight for many fans, as it showed that Gaara had changed for the better.
Ino and Sai
Ino and Sai's relationship was a bit of a surprise, as Ino was known to be a bit of a flirt while Sai was more serious and reserved. However, the two eventually fell in love and got married. Their wedding was a sweet moment for many fans.
Kakashi and Kurenai
Kakashi and Kurenai's relationship was one of the most surprising in the series, as Kakashi had been a bit of a loner for a long time. However, the two eventually fell in love and got married. Their wedding was a touching moment for many fans.
As you can see, many of the characters in Naruto ended up getting married. Although some couples were more unlikely than others, all of them had a special connection that made their relationships even more special. So, who married who in Naruto? We hope this article gave you an answer!