What Is Naruto?
Naruto is one of the most popular manga series of all time. It was written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto and serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1999 to 2014. The series follows the adventures of a young ninja, Naruto Uzumaki, who is tasked with saving the world from evil forces. As of 2021, it has sold over 250 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling manga series in history.
What Is Filler?
Filler is content created to lengthen a series and fill in gaps between plot points. It can include episodes, arcs, characters, or even entire storylines that are not part of the original manga. Filler is often used to give the series more time to catch up with the manga, or to give the manga time to advance. It is also used to give the characters more development, or to explore side stories and other elements of the world.
How Much of Naruto Is Filler?
According to a 2020 study, Naruto has a total of 220 episodes, of which approximately 118 (53.6%) are considered filler. This means that approximately half of the series is made up of filler content. The filler is spread out throughout the series, with some arcs having more filler than others. For example, the Chunin Exam arc has a total of 28 episodes, of which 18 (64.3%) are considered filler.
Why Is There So Much Filler?
The main reason for the high amount of filler in Naruto is because the anime was produced while the manga was still being written. Since the manga was being written as the anime was being produced, the anime production team had to come up with their own stories and arcs to fill in the gaps. This allowed them to keep the story going while they waited for the manga to catch up.
What Are Some Notable Filler Arcs?
Some of the most notable filler arcs in Naruto include the Land of Tea arc, the Search for Tsunade arc, and the Three-Tails arc. Other filler arcs include the Fated Battle Between Brothers arc, the Search for the Bikochu arc, and the Chunin Exam arc. These arcs often explore the characters’ backstories or expand on their relationships, allowing for more character development.
What Are Some Notable Filler Episodes?
Some of the most notable filler episodes in Naruto include the “Konoha’s picture book” episode, the “Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior” episode, and the “Kabuto Yakushi’s Story” episode. These episodes often explore characters’ backstories or provide insight into their motivations and goals. Other notable filler episodes include “The Mystery of the Targeted Merchants”, “The Promise That Could Not Be Kept”, and “The Tailed Beast Vs. The Tailless Tailed Beast”.
Overall, Naruto has a total of 220 episodes, of which approximately 118 (53.6%) are considered filler. While the filler isn’t always necessary, it does provide an opportunity for the characters to be fleshed out and for their stories to be explored. It also allows the anime to keep up with the manga, giving it time to catch up and advance.