It has been almost two decades since the original Naruto anime series first aired, and it is still a beloved classic. The show follows the journey of the titular character, Naruto, as he grows from a mischievous young ninja to a powerful leader. Although the series ended in 2017, the characters continue to have a large fan base. One of the most popular questions that fans ask is “how old was Naruto when he got married?” This article will explore the answer to this question and the events that led up to it.
Naruto's Childhood
Naruto was born in the village of Konoha and was raised by his parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. He was an orphan, as his parents sacrificed their lives to save the village from destruction. Naruto was a hyperactive child who had difficulty understanding the concept of being a ninja. He was often scolded by his teacher, Iruka Umino, for his antics. Despite this, he had a strong determination to become the strongest ninja in the village.
Naruto's Journey
As Naruto grew older, he began to understand the concept of being a ninja and set out on a journey to become the Hokage, the leader of the village. During his journey, he made several friends and enemies, and also developed a rivalry with Sasuke Uchiha. The two trained together and eventually became powerful ninjas. By the time Naruto was 16 years old, he had gained enough strength to be considered a Jonin, a high-ranking ninja.
Naruto's Marriage
When Naruto was 19 years old, he got married to Hinata Hyuga. Hinata was a powerful ninja from the Hyuga clan who had been a childhood friend of Naruto. The two had developed feelings for each other throughout the series, and their marriage was a happy occasion for both of them. The marriage was officiated by Naruto’s teacher, Iruka Umino. After the ceremony, Naruto and Hinata had two children, Boruto and Himawari.
In conclusion, Naruto was 19 years old when he got married. This happened after a long journey that saw him grow from a mischievous child to a powerful Jonin ninja. He married Hinata Hyuga, a powerful ninja from the Hyuga clan, and the two had two children, Boruto and Himawari. The marriage was a happy occasion for both Naruto and Hinata, and it marked the end of the Naruto series.