The world of Naruto is a vast and expansive one, one that fans have been exploring since the anime first debuted in 2002. While the manga series has come to a close, the anime is still going strong with Naruto Shippuden. Naruto Shippuden is filled with a variety of arcs, some of which are considered filler, or episodes that don't follow the original story from the manga. But if you're looking to watch Naruto Shippuden without any filler, which episodes should you skip? Here's a list of the fillers you can omit from your Naruto Shippuden marathon.
Konoha Shinden: Steam Ninja Scrolls
This arc is composed of 11 episodes, and takes place after the Fourth Shinobi War. It follows Naruto, Shikamaru, Sakura, and Hinata as they investigate a case involving a mysterious group of ninja. While the arc has some interesting moments, it doesn't offer much to the overall Naruto Shippuden story, so it's safe to skip. If you're looking for some interesting side stories, though, this arc can be worth checking out.
Power Arc
The Power Arc is a series of eight episodes that centers around Naruto and the other Konoha shinobi as they investigate a case involving a mysterious group of ninja. This arc is mostly filler, and doesn't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
Paradise Life on a Boat Arc
This arc is composed of nine episodes, and follows Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata as they take a vacation on a cruise ship. While the episodes are lighthearted and fun, they don't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding Arc
This arc is composed of 11 episodes, and follows Naruto and the other Konoha shinobi as they attend Hinata and Naruto's wedding. While the arc is filled with plenty of heartwarming moments, it doesn't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
The Last: Naruto the Movie Arc
This arc is composed of two episodes, and follows Naruto and Hinata as they investigate a mysterious group of ninjas. This arc is mostly filler, and doesn't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding Arc
This arc is composed of 11 episodes, and follows Naruto and the other Konoha shinobi as they attend Hinata and Naruto's wedding. While the arc is filled with plenty of heartwarming moments, it doesn't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
The New Three-Way Deadlock Arc
This arc is composed of 13 episodes, and follows Naruto and the other Konoha shinobi as they investigate a mysterious group of ninja. This arc is mostly filler, and doesn't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
Kaguya Ĺtsutsuki Strikes Arc
This arc is composed of nine episodes, and follows Naruto and the other Konoha shinobi as they investigate a mysterious group of ninjas. This arc is mostly filler, and doesn't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding Arc
This arc is composed of 11 episodes, and follows Naruto and the other Konoha shinobi as they attend Hinata and Naruto's wedding. While the arc is filled with plenty of heartwarming moments, it doesn't offer anything to the overall Naruto Shippuden story. As such, it's safe to skip this arc.
Naruto Shippuden is a long anime series, and it can be difficult to know which episodes are worth watching and which are not. Luckily, there are a number of filler arcs that can be skipped without missing any important plot points. So if you're looking to marathon Naruto Shippuden without any filler, the arcs listed above are all safe to skip.