Since its first appearance in the manga series in 1999, Naruto has since become a cultural icon in the anime and manga world. This iconic character has been loved by millions of fans around the world, and many have wanted to learn how to draw Naruto. This tutorial will provide an easy guide on how to draw Naruto in 2023.
Step 1: Gather the Necessary Supplies
Before you begin drawing Naruto, you will need to gather the necessary supplies. For this tutorial, you will need a pencil, eraser, ruler, and drawing paper. All of these items can be purchased from any art supply store. Make sure to purchase the highest quality supplies in order to get the best results.
Step 2: Sketching the Outline
Once you have gathered your supplies, you can begin sketching the outline of Naruto. Start by lightly drawing the shape of Naruto's face, which is oval-like. Next, draw the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then, add the ears and hair. Once you have finished sketching the outline, erase any unnecessary lines.
Step 3: Adding Details
Once the outline of Naruto is sketched, you can begin adding details. Start by adding the eyebrows, then the whiskers, and finally the hair. Make sure to draw the hair in a spiky pattern, as this is a signature trait of Naruto. Add some shading and color to the hair to give it a more realistic look.
Step 4: Adding Color and Shading
Now that the outline and details are finished, you can begin adding color and shading. Start by using a light orange color to fill in the skin. Then, use a darker shade of orange to add shadows and depth to the face. Use black for the eyes, blue for the pupils, and red for the whiskers. Finish by adding some white highlights to the hair and clothes.
Step 5: Finishing Touches
Once the coloring is complete, you can finish the drawing by adding some finishing touches. Start by adding some wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. Then, add some shading to the clothes and background. Finally, add some highlights and shadows to the hair to make it look more realistic. Once you have finished, your drawing of Naruto is complete!
Drawing Naruto can be a fun and rewarding experience. With a few basic supplies and some patience, anyone can learn how to draw Naruto easily. Follow the steps outlined in this tutorial and you will be able to create your own version of Naruto in no time!