The History of the Beloved Anime Series
Naruto is one of the most beloved anime series of all time. The show has been going strong since its debut in 2002 and continues to be popular today. But, how did it all start? Let’s take a look at the history of the series and find out when Naruto first began.
The Creation of Naruto
The original concept for Naruto was created by Masashi Kishimoto in 1997. Kishimoto was a young manga artist at the time, and he wanted to create a series that was different from the other popular shonen manga in Japan. He wanted to create a story that featured an unlikely hero, a young ninja who wanted to be the best but was constantly underestimated. After several years of hard work, Kishimoto finally finished the first draft of the manga in 1999.
The Start of the Naruto Manga
The first chapter of the Naruto manga was published in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump in 1999. The series quickly gained popularity and was even chosen to be adapted into an anime series. The first episode of the anime aired in 2002 and the series has been going strong ever since.
The First Naruto Movies
In 2004, the first Naruto movie was released in Japan. The movie was a huge success, and it marked the start of the Naruto movie franchise. The movies have since become some of the highest-grossing anime films in Japan. The last Naruto movie, The Last: Naruto the Movie, was released in 2014.
The Naruto Spin-Offs
In addition to the main Naruto series, there have been several spin-off anime series, movies, and video games. The most notable spin-off is the Naruto Shippuden series, which ran from 2007 to 2017. The series was a sequel to the original Naruto series, and it follows the adventures of Naruto and his friends as they become adults.
The Legacy of Naruto
Since its debut in 1999, Naruto has become one of the most popular anime series in the world. The series has been adapted into numerous languages and has spawned numerous spin-offs, movies, and video games. The series has been praised for its well-written story, lovable characters, and exciting battles. Naruto continues to be a beloved series to this day.
Naruto first began in 1999 with the publication of the first chapter of the manga in Weekly Shonen Jump. The series quickly gained popularity and was adapted into an anime series in 2002. The series has spawned numerous spin-offs, movies, and video games and continues to be popular to this day. Naruto is a beloved series that will be remembered for many years to come.